Interior Design Ideas

Why Lockable Screen Doors Are Such a Great Investment

When the cooler weather arrives after a brutally hot summer season, many Australians are happy to turn off the AC and open up the house. They may leave sliding doors open and simply have a bug screen in place while they attend to matters elsewhere. Unfortunately, many opportunist thieves are all too aware of these seasonal activities and might be on the lookout for homes that have open and unattended doors. Obviously, this is a significant risk, but what can you do about it if you still want to air out the house and enjoy that comfortable weather?

Fresh Breeze

In this situation, you will need to swap out your existing door systems and put security screen doors in place. In this way, you can still keep your doors open and enjoy that wonderful fresh air but won't need to worry about any stranger entering your home on the spur of the moment.

All-Round Protection

Conventional screen doors are no deterrent, but those that have been specifically designed with security in mind are the perfect safety mechanism. You can use them on the back door to the patio or pool area or at the front of your home, and this will allow you to vet anyone who turns up on your perimeter. So, you'll be able to open the main door to clearly see who is there while the locked security system will continue to provide a barrier.

Good Aesthetic

Some people think that security doors are by their very nature intrusive or may detract from the home's general appearance. However, they come in a variety of different designs today, and you're sure to find something that fits in with your general aesthetic. The screens will look good but, more importantly, will do what they are intended to do and give you protection at all times.

Prying Eyes

Talk with your provider about the various options. Some products may also provide you with additional privacy and especially at night when it is often brighter inside the home than out. This will give you even more protection as a would-be intruder may not find it as easy to case your joint.

Good Investment

Security never goes out of fashion, and if you fit the best quality and safe sliding doors, you may find it easier to sell to a new owner. You have obviously taken care of the place and invested in its safety, so you may be able to add value to the negotiated price.
